Europe 1 with AFP 9:39 p.m., March 30, 2022

The use of consulting firms is "usual and useful", hammered Amélie de Montchalin and Olivier Dusspot during a long press conference on Wednesday.

The latter justified the many missions entrusted to the McKinsey firm during Emmanuel Macron's five-year term. 

Le recours aux cabinets de conseil est "habituel et utile", ont martelé deux ministres lors d'une longue conférence de presse mercredi, justifiant cette pratique en réponse à une polémique grandissante après un rapport sénatorial soulignant un "phénomène tentaculaire". Selon ce rapport, les dépenses de conseil des ministères sont passées de 379,1 millions d'euros en 2018, à 893,9 millions d'euros en 2021.

>> LIRE AUSSI - L'affaire McKinsey affaiblit-elle Emmanuel Macron ?

"Nous ne nous sommes pas dessaisis de nos responsabilités"

In response to fears of a dependence of the public authorities on certain consulting firms, the Minister of Transformation and the Civil Service Amélie de Montchalin recalled that "no consulting firm has decided on any reform and the decision is up to always in the state".

"We did not divest ourselves of our responsibilities," she said.

The practice is according to her "widespread", "usual" and "useful" in the "majority of cases".

There is also no interdependence between consulting firms and the State, for the Minister of Public Accounts Olivier Dussopt who affirmed, during the same press conference, that the use of consulting firms represented " 0.3% of the total state wage bill".

More specifically, the McKinsey firm, in the spotlight because it is accused of not having paid corporate tax in France between 2011 and 2020, represents 5% of state strategy consulting expenditure, detailed Olivier Dussopt .

And the government represents 5% of McKinsey's turnover, he added.

"McKinsey's tax situation is protected by tax secrecy, our services have carried out a control operation at the end of 2021", said Minister Dussopt, refusing to comment on the outcome or the possible consequences of this control.

"There is nothing to hide", insisted Olivier Dussopt, who insisted that the State had shown "transparency" by answering questions from the Senate commission of inquiry on the growing influence of consulting firms. private.

>> READ -

 McKinsey case: "We initiated a tax audit even before the Senate report"

"All the rules of public order have been respected"

“All the rules of public procurement have been respected,” added Amélie de Montchalin.

If "the State assumes perfectly to use consulting firms in certain circumstances", it admits that improvements are necessary, according to the minister.

A new doctrine for the use of consultants was defined last January to ensure that the public services did not have the skills in-house before resorting to consulting firms.

Amélie de Montchalin wants to "rearm the State to strengthen internal skills" and plans from 2022 to "reduce by at least 15% the use of external consulting services".