Mariia Benderova runs the kennel with her mother in eastern Ukraine.

With Russian bombs and troops around them, they no longer dared to stay - but did not want to leave their dogs.

In the end, she got in touch with the Swedish breeders Maria Björn and Kamilla Nordén, who have now helped her and a dozen of the dogs to get to Sweden.

Her mother is still with the remaining dogs.

- I am worried about my family who are still in Ukraine with our other dogs, says Mariia Benderova.

Several hours of waiting at customs

Despite the fact that all dogs had both passports and health certificates, a full day of routine checks at the customs in Verköhamnen was required.

The dogs were transported with cages in the car during the ferry trip but were not allowed to be released until the Swedish Board of Agriculture had double-checked both the dogs and their documents.

- Someone peed on himself and a dog began to become weak, but now they have finally been able to stretch and eat.

It is tragic that it would take so long when they finally arrived, says Maria Björn, who will now take care of the dogs at her own kennel in Gärds Köpinge, outside Kristianstad.

Already brought in dogs from Ukraine

Some Ukrainian dogs have already moved into the farm and a total of 41 are expected to live temporarily with Maria Björn.

No one can know how long it will be, she says.

- There are so many who do not dare to leave their animals to flee the country.

Then I want to be able to help by receiving their dogs.