There are connections that seem inseparable.

This includes those between parents and their children or grandchildren.

But what if the children or grandchildren break off contact?

Those left behind leave a void in their lives that cannot be filled, especially when no explanation is given.

Many then have a need to speak, for whom like-minded people are the best contacts.

But sometimes the guilt and shame are too great to talk about.

A new self-help group has now been set up in Wetteraukreis for those affected.

The first meeting will take place on April 7th at 5 p.m. in the village community center in the Steinberg district of Gedern.

The organizer had searched in vain for a group and also asked around in the neighboring district.

There is a long-standing group in Friedberg.

However, this group had decided some time ago not to take on any more new parents, since “new” ones are not at the current level of the group and would therefore impede progress.

After the parents divorced, everything was different

The organizer of the group also knows the painful experiences of being an abandoned grandmother.

Her grandson, who is now nine years old, had spent a large part of his childhood with her and her husband.

"We picked him up from kindergarten, ate here together, played together," remembers the woman, who should only be called Edeltraud here.

Her daughter picked up her child after work.

But after the parents divorced, everything was different.

The child's father prevented any contact between the grandparents and the boy.

Everything has been different in their house for two years now.

No grandchild fills the house with life.

The visits have become very rare.

After a long time, the child was recently allowed to come to his great-grandfather's birthday, who recently turned 98.

"The two have always been very attached to each other," says Edeltraud.

During the visit, they didn't want to let go of each other.

Of course, such a meeting doesn't change anything about the basic situation.

Exchange with others irreplaceable

It was also her idea to involve the abandoned grandparents.

Because they are often also heavily burdened when the grandchildren withdraw or are withdrawn by a parent.

You have read many books on the subject.

But the exchange with others is irreplaceable.

She is therefore pleased that so many people have contacted her when she was called.

"Eight people called," she says.

And since there were two couples, the group would already be full.

But now it's about the first meeting, about getting to know each other.

"I noticed that people have an enormous need to talk," says Edeltraud.

She is therefore looking forward to the group, which will come together for two-hour meetings.

Anyone who is still interested can call 0 15 15/1 01 57 02.