Lina Shapovalova tells how the rockets hit the neighboring house and all their windows were blown out.

The bags were already packed, the couple had thought back and forth about whether they would leave Ukraine or not.

The attack on the neighboring house made them decide.

- We had five minutes to gather what we wanted to take with us and escape, says Shapovalova.

The cat was allowed to come along

But they managed to bring their ten-year-old cat Peach.

Six days ago, they came to Helsingborg and the emergency housing set up by the municipality in the sports hall in Rydebäck.

It was the middle of the night and that the cat was with surprised refugee host Kerstin Stöckl.

- Actually, we are not allowed to receive pets here, but we could not reject them in the middle of the night, she says.

The cat was installed with food and water in a locked room and the next day it was examined by a veterinarian - and declared healthy.

Do not want rabies

The authorities admit Ukrainian pets because there is a kind of state of emergency for the refugees.

But at the same time, the veterinary check is important - Sweden, unlike Ukraine, is a rabies-free country and does not want the disease.

In the clip above, Lina tells more about the escape with Peach and the veterinarian Abtin Majarradi explains why rabies is so dangerous.