Carl Fridh Kleberg and photographer Lars Lyrefelt have been in Kyiv for about a week now.

During that time, they have talked to many people in the city, who react differently to the war.

- In recent days, people we have talked to have described a strong determination to stay and support society.

At the same time, we have talked to people who express great fear and anxiety about the situation.

Because even though flight alarms have become a daily occurrence, and people in the city no longer react, it is very frightening for many.

For example, we have talked to many pregnant and new mothers who are too afraid to leave the city despite the fact that the war is so present here, he says.

Carl Fridh Kleberg says that part of the war that has not appeared clearly in the media so far is that many people also travel to cities where the fighting is fierce.

It may be because they have their homes and all their belongings there.

- A lot of focus has been on people who have had the opportunity to get away from the fighting, but there are people who have to go to the front.

We have talked to people at the train station who, for example, are on their way to Kharkiv.

A mother we met waved to her son who was on his way to a military academy and whom she did not know if she would meet again, says Carl Fridh Kleberg.