Li Yan, Cui Xiaoyun, Bai Xiao

  "On the fourth day of mid-spring, the spring is in the middle."

As one of the traditional solar terms in my country, the vernal equinox marks the balance of day and night, and the balance of cold and heat. For example, it is recorded in "Spring and Autumn": "The vernal equinox is equal to yin and yang, so day and night are equal, and cold and summer are equal." In traditional Chinese culture, Solar terms are closely related to health preservation. After the vernal equinox, the spring is bright and the warbler and the grass are growing. It is a good time for outing, and people will feel energetic and emotional.

However, some people are troubled by "spring sleepiness" during this season. They are always sleepy during the day. What is the reason?

Today we are going to talk about the topic of "spring sleep".

  why spring loves sleepy

  It is often said in the folk that "winter sleepiness in spring, autumn lack in summer, no sleep in winter and March", it can be seen that these manifestations have a lot to do with seasons.

  Spring sleepiness is generally manifested as drowsiness, fatigue, and drowsiness.

From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, the human body has the imbalance of yin and yang, the imbalance of qi and blood, and the imbalance of viscera in spring, which will lead to the abnormal growth of yang in spring, which will lead to spring sleepiness.

  After a winter dormancy, the contracted skin and blood vessels will gradually stretch in the warm spring season, the blood supply on the body surface will increase, and the blood and oxygen supply to the brain will correspondingly decrease, which will affect the excitability of the cerebral cortex to a certain extent, causing "spring sleepiness". .

Therefore, spring sleeplessness is not a disease, but a physiological phenomenon that occurs when the physiological function of the human body changes with the season and temperature. If it is not accompanied by other discomfort symptoms, there is no need to worry too much.

  However, if it persists, it will affect work, study and mood. If you don't want to be "trapped" by spring sleepiness, you can make adjustments from three aspects: diet, sleep, and exercise.

  Taste less sour and more sweet, nourish the spleen

  Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "the spleen is prosperous in four seasons without evil".

Spring dyspnea is closely related to spleen-yang deficiency and internal stagnation of damp turbidity. Therefore, to cope with spring dyspnea, it is necessary to strengthen the spleen and nourish the spleen. In layman's terms, it is necessary to eat well.

  From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, the spleen governs the promotion of qing and transport and transformation, and when the spleen is prosperous, the clear yang can rise, the turbid yin can descend, the qi and blood are smooth, and the spirit is at ease.

Since the spleen likes the rise of temperature and hates the fall of cold, our diet should avoid too cold and cold, as well as overeating greasy and indigestible food, so as not to increase the burden on the spleen and stomach.

  The spring diet should eat less sour and more sweet, so as to nourish the spleen, and the spleen will be full of qi.

In spring, the climate is getting warmer, but it is windy and dry, which often leads to dry skin, tongue, and chapped lips. Therefore, you should eat more fresh vegetables and juicy fruits to replenish the body's water.

People with severe fatigue and drowsiness can take some traditional Chinese medicines that nourish qi and invigorate the spleen according to the doctor's advice.

  "Spring training" can promote the growth of yang qi

  After a winter of seclusion, the yang energy of the human body has arrived at the time for hair growth, so it is necessary to move it well in the spring.

Moreover, spring is the season dominated by the liver. We often say that people who are unhappy and lose their temper are due to stagnation of liver qi and excessive anger. The best way to solve these problems is to exercise.

  With warmer weather and longer days, spring is a sporty season.

Young people can choose sports science exercises that they are interested in, but for middle-aged and elderly people and patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, it is better to choose easy activities such as walking, jogging, and tai chi for "spring training" to enhance their resistance. .

  Exercise can regulate the liver qi. On the one hand, it can prevent the stagnant liver qi from restraining the spleen, and have a good appetite during the day; on the other hand, exercise promotes blood circulation and waste metabolism, which helps to sleep well at night.

  A good night's sleep also requires a sense of ritual

  The more sleepy you are, the more you need to sleep. This is the simplest truth.

It is the best way to nourish Yang in spring and summer. When you sleep, Yang Qi is hidden, which is the best way to nourish Yang. If you sleep well and sleep deeply, you will be able to relieve a lot of spring fatigue.

  The ideal amount of sleep is at least 8 hours a day.

But to sleep well, you still need a sense of ritual.

The first is time, it can’t be too late, Chinese medicine says to take a good afternoon nap, that is, try to go to bed before 11 o’clock in the evening; the second is preparation, wash and clean before going to bed, you can also comb your hair and soak your feet in hot water to help. The body is relaxed; the third is the environment, try to keep the bedroom quiet, dark, and the temperature is appropriate; the fourth is the bedding, comfortable bedding and pillows are very important.

  "The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine" says: "Therefore, the health of the wise must be in line with the four seasons to adapt to the cold and heat, to live in peace with joy and anger, to control the yin and yang, and to adjust the rigidity and softness." That is to say, health preservation should conform to the four seasons.

In this season of yin and yang balance, cold and warm, it is recommended that you actively adjust your diet and daily routine, and calm your mind, so as to help your body and mind to maintain the best state.