On Luppioberget just outside Övertorneå, an international tourist facility has been inaugurated just before Christmas.

Since then, it has been fully booked, and on the terrace - with a mile-wide view of the border river and Finland - tourists are soaking up the sun while eager sled dogs must echo further down the hill. 

This is how they like wind power

Tourists come with dreams of the northern lights and starry sky and to hear creaking snow under their shoes and listen to silence.

From time to time, groups return from activities such as snowshoeing or pimpling on, for example, Armasjärvisjön.

- We are looking for this atmosphere because we can not get it at home.

At the same time, wind power is needed in the energy transition, says Mattews Vanboxel.

In the video, you hear Regina and Mattews develop their thoughts on wind power outside Övertorneå.