While Russia's invasion of Ukraine has been going on for nearly a month, President Putin has been criticized by foreign media as he appears in public wearing 16 million won luxury padding.

Putin delivered a speech on stage at a concert to celebrate the 8th anniversary of the annexation of the Krms, held in Moscow, Russia on the 18th.

According to foreign media such as the Daily Mail, the black padding worn by Putin at this time is a product of an Italian luxury brand, and the price is about 16 million won.

It is also known that the white neck pola worn under the padding is about 3.83 million won, and foreign media pointed out that the average annual salary of Russians last year was about 7.91 million won, which was less than half the price of the padding.

He also criticized Putin for wearing a luxury jacket and proudly saying that he is fighting for the 'universal values ​​of all Russians' when the people of Russia are living in poverty.