Dissatisfaction is growing in Spain.

More than 100,000 people demonstrated in central Madrid on Sunday against the neglect of rural areas.

According to the organizers, almost 400,000 people came to the capital with a good 1,500 buses and numerous special trains from all over the country, the authorities spoke of a good 100,000 demonstrators.

Hans Christian Roessler

Political correspondent for the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghreb based in Madrid.

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Farmers, animal breeders, fishermen, hunters and other agricultural organizations had joined the call "The rural area is waking up" and, dressed in orange caps and vests, marched from the Ministry of Agriculture next to the Atocha train station across Castellana Boulevard to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Protection .

Some had hunting dogs and donkeys with them.

More than 40 tractors and horse-drawn carriages accompanied the train, which temporarily brought traffic in the city center to a standstill.

The organizers spoke of a "historic" demonstration with the aim of persuading the government to finally do more for rural residents, whose situation had become increasingly difficult even before the outbreak of the Ukraine war.

In view of the increased costs, it has become impossible for many to earn money with their production, warned the agricultural organization COAG.

The conservative People's Party PP and the right-wing populist Vox supported the demonstrators, who also oppose the environmental protection laws of the ruling left-wing coalition.

In addition, a strike by truck drivers for almost a week has been leading to increasing supply difficulties and causing the first supply chains to collapse.

The self-employed drivers see their economic survival in danger because of the increased fuel prices and precarious working conditions.

The government deploys thousands of additional police officers to prevent road blockades and violent actions against other transporters.