Many aesthetic advice and feminine recipes are crowded by women, who, in turn, summon them when needed, and have become legacies passed on by generations.

In addition to the thousands of visual and written content that is being published on social media.

Castor oil to lengthen eyelashes, apple cider vinegar to fight dandruff, and there is no need for hot water when taking a shower because of its danger to the skin, and other tips that people follow as they are without evidence of their validity or even their experience.

  • Oily skin does not need a moisturizer

Femina In magazine published on its website that moisturizing the skin is as important as cleaning it. Moisturizing has the right balance of pH required for your skin, and it also protects you from harmful environmental factors such as pollution and dirt.

The type of moisturizer you choose depends to a large extent on your skin type, and for oily skin, you should choose one that is lightweight and non-greasy.

Moisturizing the skin is as important as cleaning it (German)

  • Exfoliation helps remove acne

Oily skin has plenty of incorrect advice, such as: rubbing the face to get clear and pure skin, or exfoliating should be part of the daily skincare routine, or oily skin needs to be washed frequently.

These are some of the most common myths that the fatty type succumb to.

While overdoing these habits can strip your skin of the natural oils it needs causing dryness, while exfoliating is a great way to clean deep dirt from the skin, it doesn't have to be a daily ritual. It irritates acne-prone skin, causing damage.

  • Sunscreen only in the summer

Many believe that sunscreen is associated with sunny summer days, and that it is useless in the rest of the year, and the fact is that you should put sunscreen daily.

“UV rays that can cause skin cancer are always present, they are not related to the weather, cold or hot, and are not blocked by clouds and clouds as they block only visible rays (not UV rays), dermatologist Dr. Shelesh Eyre tells Forbes. violet) from the sun.

You should apply sunscreen daily in summer and winter (Pixabi)

  • Toothpaste is a good treatment for pimples

Some people think that toothpaste is effective in getting rid of facial pimples, although it is considered that many of the ingredients in toothpaste may help reduce the size of pimples and dry them, the side effects of its use are more.

Toothpaste contains a level of (BH) that can irritate the skin, cause rashes and burning of the skin, in addition to (sodium lauryl sulfate), another ingredient often found in toothpaste, and it is known to cause skin irritation in some, according to what was published Healthline website.

If your skin becomes drier due to the use of toothpaste, it may cause more acne.

Washing hair too much hurts it

According to celebrity hairstylist Neil Moody in the British newspaper, "Smooth, fine hair needs to be washed more frequently, as the natural oils from the scalp travel down the hair shaft more easily, giving hair a more streamlined look and feel."

While thicker, curly or wavy hair can be left on for longer, allowing the scalp's natural oils more time to transfer to the ends and prevent them from drying out.

You can wash oily hair as often as you like, if you use good products, while dry hair will benefit from fewer washings, to allow the natural oils to travel to the ends of the hair.

Smooth hair needs to be washed frequently, as the natural oils from the scalp travel down the hair shaft (pixabi)

Shaving your legs makes it grow thicker and darker

"Your hair is not a grass that is stimulated by cutting, so if you cut your hair and shave your head or legs or anywhere else, the hair will not grow thicker," says esthetician (Annabelle Kingsley) in the British Guardian.

It is the length of the hair's short ends, which are usually naturally tapered, that give the impression that the hair is thicker as it grows.

However, waxing, where hair is pulled from the roots sometimes disrupting hair production, can in some cases cause hair to grow sporadically.