Louise-Adélaïde Boisnard 8:46 p.m., March 19, 2022

Is a new battle between France and England?

While in France, we sometimes despise English gastronomy, at the Bons Vivants table, we have decided to make you change your mind.

The blogger Hélène Picken, a Frenchwoman who fell in love with English cuisine, reveals the best dishes on the island, but also an impressive figure... that of the number of English cheeses.

Will France have its record number of cheeses stolen by England?

We do not know exactly how many there are in France, according to Profession Fromager, 2,753 raw milk cheeses are listed.

For the National Interprofessional Center for the Dairy Economy, there would be 1,200.

England is behind France in number of varieties but its production should not be underestimated.

You can find the podcast of the Bons Vivants table by clicking on this link

England is the world's 11th largest cheese producer, France is 2nd

At the Bons Vivants table, blogger Hélène Picken, a Frenchwoman who fell in love with English cuisine, reveals that England produces at least 700 cheeses.

They have the famous cheddar, the stilton but also their own kinds of camembert and brie.

Armed with crackers, the English also love hard and soft pasta.

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Cheese is not eaten before dessert

Traditionally, it's not dish-cheese-dessert the order of the meal across the Channel... but dish-dessert-cheese.

For more on how it's eaten, just listen to the audio clip from the show just above.