Europe 1 with AFP 5:13 p.m., March 17, 2022

President-candidate Emmanuel Macron has unveiled the main lines of his program for the presidential election.

Social aid, employment, pensions, school, health… The Head of State addressed all these subjects for nearly two hours during a press conference at the Docks de Paris“, before responding to journalists.

24 days before the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron reveals the main lines of his program.

The president-candidate, still caught up in the war in Ukraine, took the time during a press conference at the Docks de Paris to discuss the central themes of his campaign.

Emmanuel Macron has put forward his proposals on social aid, employment, pensions, school or even health.

Europe 1 takes stock.

A reform of the RSA with "15 to 20 hours of weekly activity"

First, the outgoing president mentioned a reform of the RSA with "a better balance of rights and duties" and "the obligation to devote 15 to 20 hours a week" to an activity facilitating professional integration.

"The beneficiaries of the RSA were in a way the victims of our poor collective organization and our nation organized itself first by dividing skills", lamented the outgoing president during a press conference in Aubervilliers en Seine- Saint-Denis, considering that "no one considers that this dignity is recognized, respected, with a benefit".

Automatic payment of social assistance

Emmanuel Macron has undertaken, if he is re-elected, to have social aid paid "at source", automatically, which according to him would benefit the "20 million French people" who receive the RSA, the bonus. activity, housing aid or family allowances.

Taking up this promise of 2017, he said he wanted to "simplify" this aid so that all French people who are entitled to it can receive it, but also to fight against fraud.

School and health, two "major projects"

The president-candidate declared Thursday that school and health would be "two major projects" of his second five-year term, if he were re-elected, promising a "new method" based on "broad consultation".

"On school and health, it is clear" that the policy implemented since 2017 "has been enough", he acknowledged while presenting his program for the presidential election in Aubervilliers, in Seine-Saint-Denis.

It is therefore necessary "that we manage to mobilize energies differently" to "give back to those who do it on a daily basis the possibility of adapting the solutions to the realities on the ground and in some way getting out of the war of position in which we are ", he added.

It is therefore a question of "changing the method collectively" and, for the school, "beginning with a broad consultation to discuss the best way to achieve the objectives (...) by bringing all the stakeholders around the table".

As part of "a new pact for teachers", "it will be necessary to significantly continue the increase in remuneration", which will be linked to "the definition of new missions", according to Emmanuel Macron.

Measures will be taken to guarantee the "replacement of absent teachers because we owe our students and their parents the full teaching hours".

The candidate also intends to give "more freedom for establishments" in order to "value expertise in the field", as he announced as part of the Marseille recovery plan.

In the field of health, "we must succeed in going much further, faster and stronger", in particular by strengthening "the prevention policy", "the simplification of the hospital and its governance" and the improvement of "access to emergency care".

The Minister of Health Olivier Véran announced Thursday the organization of "a major conference" on the health system if Emmanuel Macron was re-elected in April.

A program valued at 50 billion euros

Emmanuel Macron has estimated the cost of his presidential program at 50 billion euros per year, to which will be added 15 billion per year in tax cuts, half benefiting households, half businesses.

These expenses, in particular for education, health and autonomy, will be financed in particular by savings through the pension reform, with the postponement of the retirement age, and on unemployment benefits, he added. he thinks.