• History Engels: Hunting and a worker, the loves of the first rich communist

They say that when

Karl Marx

wrote his handwriting by hand it was so


that his wife Jenny was in charge of

getting everything clean

so that the manuscripts reached the publishers correctly.

Throughout his

38 years of marriage

, the author of


lived a full life

full of love.

Johanna Bertha Julie von Westphalen is a great unknown to ordinary mortals, however, thanks to her


, the works of the German intellectual of Jewish origin are currently known.


knew each other since childhood

because they were neighbors, although from different social classes.

While Karl was middle class, the young woman belonged to an

aristocratic Prussian family

in whose genealogy blue blood gushed.

She descended from her paternal line from King James I and the House of Stuart and from her mother from the Dukes of Argyll,

the most powerful family in Scotland

and one of the most prominent in the United Kingdom.

As a baroness, Jenny could have married rich suitors, but she chose to be true to her heart.

She married Karl Marx in 1843

as she strongly believed in his ideals.

In fact, she was the first

member of the Communist League

founded by Marx and Frederick Engels in 1847 and which was the embryo of the Communist Party.

That situation caused

the exile of the Marx to England.

Her passion for literature had brought them closer together during adolescence.

The thinker Karl Marx.GTRES

Despite the money Jenny inherited, the family experienced

real hardship.

Paradoxically, Marx was a specialist in economic theory, but he did not control the money that entered his house since

he used to waste it

on frugality.

This situation meant that for a time

Engels had to help them.

Nor was it an incentive that the writer bought

a huge house in north London

whose value was beyond his means.

For several years, the couple suffered police harassment and were constantly watched because Marx was considered a public danger.


The couple

had seven children,

three boys and four girls.

But the boys and one of the girls

died during childhood due to the poverty

to which the family had succumbed for defending their ideas.

Her pregnancies were not an impediment to putting her needs before those of her husband because she used to travel to raise enough money to

finance Marx's research,

she maintained epistolary relations with Marxist scholars and she published several books on criticism. cultural.


died of liver cancer

at the age of 67 in 1881, throwing her husband into a deep depression.

Although it is difficult to believe, as happened to Van Gogh in his life with his paintings, when Marx published


in 1867 the work went completely unnoticed.

After his death, on March 14, 1883, they gave it the historical value it deserved.

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