Dark circles are not necessarily related to staying up late


  Whenever you stay up late, you will probably get a pair of "dark circles", but if the dark circles always exist or are difficult to eliminate, it is not necessarily the result of staying up late, there are many incentives.

  possible allergic disease

  Dark circles are not a formal medical term, their professional name is "periorbital hyperpigmentation", which is a common facial cosmetic problem in clinical practice.

In addition to staying up late, there are the following common triggers: atopic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, eczema, allergic rhinitis and other allergic diseases; frequent eye makeup, long-term exposure to sunlight, aging, incomplete eye makeup removal ; Increased pigmentation in the skin, such as increased dermal pigment cells, intraepidermal pigmentation; loose skin folds, bulging of orbital septal fat, etc., leading to bulging of the infraorbital skin, etc.

  In terms of type, there are 3 types of dark circles commonly seen in clinical practice.

  The main reason for vascular dark circles is staying up late. Long-term staying up late and excessive eye use make the blood circulation of the skin around the eyes poor.

  The primary cause of pigmented dark circles is excessive deposition of melanin, which is common in people who do not pay attention to sun protection, have long-term mental stress, or have ever had dermatitis and other inflammatory conditions.

  The primary cause of structural dark circles is the structural changes around the eyes, which are mainly related to aging and skin aging.

  In addition, many people can't tell the difference between lying silkworms, bags under the eyes and tear grooves.

The lying silkworm is actually a relatively developed orbicularis oculi muscle, which can be regarded as a "lean muscle"; the eye bag is the orbital fat that bulges outwards, similar to a "fat muscle"; the tear groove is like a "rib".

  Apply eye cream for relief

  In fact, everyone will have dark circles under the eyes, it's just the difference between the time and the degree of severity.

Studies have shown that for the appearance of dark circles, the role of heredity is far greater than that of lifestyle habits.

Because genetic factors directly determine whether people are more sensitive to the damage factors that form dark circles, and living habits and status are only factors that aggravate these damages.

  Does applying eye cream work for dark circles?

Although eye cream can not cure dark circles, but it has a certain relieving effect.

Vascular dark circles cannot be applied with hot compresses, but only cold compresses. Eye creams containing retinol or caffeine can be used. Pigmented dark circles should be protected from the sun, and an eye cream with whitening effect can be used to lighten pigmentation spots. Structural dark circles need to be treated with Medical and aesthetic means to improve.

  Although congenital hyperpigmentation, facial structural shadows and facial sagging caused by aging cannot be prevented, the formation of acquired dark circles can be prevented by adjusting lifestyle.

Everyone can do a good job in daily eye care from the following aspects: do not use inferior cosmetics; do not wear heavy makeup, and those who often apply eye makeup must remove makeup carefully; scientific work and rest, do not stay up late, ensure adequate sleep, and do not overuse eyes; Exercise more, avoid excessive study and work pressure, and learn to decompress yourself; adjust your daily diet to maintain a balanced nutrition; actively treat skin diseases and metabolic diseases around the eyes.

  (Author Unit: Xuanwu Hospital)