
The Russian army, which has been bombarding major Ukrainian cities for 20 days, is putting great pressure on the capital, Kiiu.

With the number of victims increasing, the fourth round of negotiations between the two countries, which was interrupted after two hours yesterday (14th), is scheduled to resume today.

Reporter Ahn Sang-woo reports.


The center of Kiiu, the capital of Ukraine.

A cannonball suddenly drops on a stopped bus.

The impact of the explosion destroyed the bus to an unrecognizable shape, and a dead citizen was also seen.

[Vitaly Klitschko / Mayor of Kyiv (Kiev): The number of civilian victims is increasing.

This is the war that Russia started, and this is what Kiiw (Kiev) looks like.]

More than half of the city's 3 million residents have already left the city, amid fierce street fighting outside Kiiu for days.

Indiscriminate bombardment by Russian forces continues in the southern battlefield Mariupol.

Ukrainian forces are fighting desperately, but at least 2,400 civilians have been killed so far.

[Leonid Matyukin / Spokesperson of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense: Russia said that it carried out some operations successfully, but their achievement was the killing of civilians regardless of gender.]

In major cities such as Mykolayu and Odessa, even citizens came forward to Russia We are preparing for a full-scale air strike by the military.

In the midst of this, the Ukrainian General Staff posted a video on social media with an explanation of how to greet the fallen hero.

As the truck of a Ukrainian soldier who was killed while fighting the Russian army passed by, citizens all kneel down at the same time as they see off the last road.

[Ukrainian Citizens Volunteer Army: The Russian occupation forces will come soon, but we will protect our home and hometown until the end.]

The fourth video negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, which were interrupted two hours after starting yesterday, are scheduled to resume today.

(Video editing: Jeon Min-gyu)