Russian troops invading Ukraine have been besieging and bombing the northern city of Cherniu, which has a population of 300,000, for several days, killing dozens of civilians.

Cherniu Mayor Vladislav Atroshenko said in an online statement that repeated bombings by Russian troops are rapidly destroying critical infrastructure for residents.

Cherniu was attacked from the beginning of the war on the route of the Russian invasion from Belarus to Kiev (Kyiv).

In recent days, mayor Atroshchenko said the Russian military has fired up to 17 fighter jets a day.

The Russian military destroyed a gas pipeline, which cut off gas for cooking and heating throughout the city, cut off electricity grids, and left some residents without water to drink.

Mayor Atroshchenko called for emergency assistance, saying "tens of people have died and dozens of multi-story buildings have been destroyed, leaving thousands of people homeless."