- It is very positive that we can start the bicycle library again so that more people discover how easy it is to get around by bicycle and that the bicycle becomes an alternative to the car, regardless of whether you commute to work, buy food or drive the children to preschool , says Colin Hale who is project manager for the bicycle library in Växjö. 

Improvements since the start 

The Bicycle Library started as a pilot project with the help of EU funding three years ago, and after an evaluation, several updates have been made.

Now there is, among other things, a new booking system that will facilitate booking and a wider range of bicycles.

It is possible to borrow, for example, cargo bikes, electric bikes and bicycles that are easy to take on buses and trains. 

KLIPP: This is what it looked like when the bicycle library was a success in 2019.

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Mario Flores is one of those who took the opportunity to borrow a bicycle from the bicycle library in Växjö municipality.

Photo: SVT