When the German Bundestag in 1974, with the majority of the government factions of the SPD and FDP, introduced the time limit for carrying out an abortion, all parties agreed on one thing: the killing of an embryo should never be portrayed as something normal and commercialized in public.

This consensus was expressed in Paragraph 219a of the Criminal Code.

In the form it was modified by the Union and the SPD just three years ago, it still prohibits doctors from advertising an abortion as part of their offer.

SPD, Greens and FDP have already terminated this consensus and the underlying protection concept for unborn life with their coalition agreement.

The draft law to abolish the advertising ban, which the cabinet approved on Wednesday, is only the implementation of the intention to prioritize the right of self-determination of pregnant women as a fundamental right to the constitutionally guaranteed protection of expectant life.

The fact that the federal government can be sure of the approval of large parts of the published opinion is of course not only the result of a change in values, but also of deliberate disinformation.

It is simply untrue that women cannot find out about abortion methods under the current legal situation.

But where there's a will, there's a way - even if it's through trickery and deception.