
Today (10th) seems to be a day when a lot of attention is focused on the actions of the elected President-elect Yoon Seok-yeol. 

Reporter Park Min-ha looked back on how past presidential-elects had their first schedule on the first day.


On the morning of the first day of election, past winners usually left their homes between 7:30 am and 8:00 am to start their day.

The late former President Roh Moo-hyun exchanged simple questions and answers with reporters as soon as he left his home,

[Roh Moo-hyun / then-President-elect: (Did you sleep well?) Yes, I overslept.

(Did you? What time did you get up?) I usually wake up at 5:00, but I slept until 6:30 today.]

[I waited all night.]

Former President Lee Myung-bak spoke only to residents without an interview.

[Oh, you are so kind.

(Congratulations, really. Have a good trip.)]

For former President Roh and former President Lee, the first official event was to visit the Memorial Hall.

Former President Roh wrote in his guestbook 'Mulsabonggong', meaning that he strives for the public interest rather than taking private interest, and former President Lee, 'I will serve the people well, I will give hope' in the guestbook.

On the other hand, the late former President Kim Dae-jung, who was elected in the middle of the IMF, started his first schedule at the National Assembly.

[Kim Dae-jung/President-elect at the time: Let's use today's ordeal as an opportunity to practice true democracy and a true market economy.]

After the official press conference, we visited the Memorial Hall and the 4/19 Cemetery in turn.

A press conference to reveal the first aspirations and a meeting with the officials of the Election Response Committee are also not to be missed.

According to custom, the elected candidate first contacts the rival candidate to offer consolation.

Back in 2012, on the first day of her election, former President Park Geun-hye called Moon Jae-in, the then-Democratic United Party candidate, and asked him to 'Let's do a win-win politics'.

The 19th presidential election was held in May with the impeachment of former President Parker five years later.

On the first day of his election, President Moon visited the National Assembly and held an oath of office at the National Assembly main building after meeting with the Speaker of the National Assembly and the leaders of the four opposition parties.

[President Moon Jae-in: This day, May 10, 2017, will go down in history as an example of the beginning of true national unity.]

The elected president will stay at home under the security of the bodyguard until the day of his inauguration, but President Moon took the oath of office on the first day of his election. After finishing, I entered the Blue House right away.