The young woman who took a seat in the dock in the district court on Tuesday does not look like an aggressive person.

She apologizes in the first sentence.

Sometimes she sounds like she's about to cry.

She treats the judge with respect, doesn't interrupt anyone, speaks without rudeness.

Her defense attorney says that the thirty-year-old is a social sciences student and works as a student trainee at the GEW trade union.

"She works for socially disadvantaged people."

Anna Sophia Lang

Editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

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On November 14, 2020, police officers experienced the woman differently at a lateral thinker rally on Rathenauplatz.

Extremely aggressive, abusive, violent.

It is undisputed that she bit a police officer in the thigh so hard that a hematoma with an imprint of her teeth developed and the man was unable to work for six days.

A cardboard sign depicting the media as a virus

It was her first rally, says the defendant, and she wanted to form her own opinion.

"Because I already had a critical image of the media before that." The media also found themselves on their cardboard sign: a TV with a news anchor about, "We are the virus".

It was a difficult time.

Her grandmother was diagnosed with dementia and she noticed how the pandemic affected people “who could only sit in front of the television”.

She wanted to draw attention to those "who have been forgotten".

The police broke up the rally because the participants did not comply with the conditions.

This led to a confrontation with the accused, who admits to having insulted a police officer as a "son of a bitch" who "has no balls".

She denies ramming her shield into his torso and head, but another police officer on the witness stand confirms it.

Then she is said to have put up massive resistance with punches and kicks.

"They just stand there and yell"

She says: She wanted to keep her sign as a barrier between the police and an old woman with a bicycle who was not let through and harassed.

When she was arrested herself, the officers pressed a knee or leg on her head, she couldn't breathe, she panicked.

Your defense attorney speaks of self-defense.

But when everyone looks at the video recordings together, the judge says: The lady was not able to leave with the bike, nor was she physically threatened.

"It's you who push." ​​You can even see how a companion wants to keep the accused from going.

“The woman has enough help.

They don't help her at all, they just stand there and yell. "There is also nothing to see of a knee on the head: "You can even lift your head, you can see here.

And you put up a lot of resistance.” The police just pushed the crowd in front of them to clear the square.

"People don't go, what should the police do?"

Because the officer with the bite cannot come because of a corona infection, the court sets a continuation date.

The verdict is expected at the end of March.