China News Service, March 8. According to Korean media reports, on March 8, South Korea entered the last day of the countdown to the 20th presidential election, and the canvassing activities of political and opposition candidates across the country also entered a sprint state.

  According to the report, Lee Jae-myung, the presidential candidate of the ruling party's Common Democratic Party, will hold a press conference at the Yeouido Common Democratic Party headquarters on the morning of the 8th to release a signal of unity with the people.

He will then tour Yeouido Securities Street, emphasizing the creation of the 5000-point era of KOSPI (Korea Composite Stock Index) after taking office.

  Later, Lee Jae-ming will go to various places in the afternoon to call on supporters to vote.

At 7 p.m. that night, he will launch a lobbying activity at Cheonggye Plaza near Gwanghwamun Square.

At 10:30 p.m., he will canvass for votes at Hongik University Square, Mapo-gu, where young people gather, bringing to an end the 22-day statutory election campaign.

  Yin Xiyue, the candidate for the National Power of the largest opposition party, set off from Jeju-do in the southern border of South Korea at 10 a.m. and consolidated the votes of the opposition camp in Busan, Daegu, and Daejeon from the south.

Ahn Cheol-soo, the leader of the Kuomintang Party, who withdrew from the election and supported Yin Xiyue, will participate in the canvassing activities in Busan.

  It is reported that Yin Xiyue's last canvassing event will be held at Seoul City Hall Plaza at 8:30 pm.

Yin Xiyue will also canvass votes at the entrance station of Jianguo University and Jiangnan Station until 24:00 when the statutory election period ends.

  Justice Party candidate Shen Sang-seo will appeal for the support of office workers in Seoul's Nowon district in the morning, and then go to Gangbuk district to conduct lobbying activities.

In the afternoon, we went to Korea University, Ewha Womans University and Sinchon U-PLEX Plaza to seek support from the younger generation.