“In order to avoid exacerbations, it is necessary to observe the measure, especially for those who are prone to gaining excess weight, insulin resistance, and diabetes.

Many people have hidden insulin resistance that they don't know about.

This is a pre-diabetic condition, weaknesses in the gastrointestinal tract, ”the doctor said.

The nutritionist advised when cooking pancakes to minimize possible harm and not pour oil into the pan, but simply grease it.

“You can replace some ingredients: replace milk with mineral water, add oatmeal, buckwheat, preferably whole grain to white flour.

If we make pancakes with filling, put more fiber (these are vegetables, cabbage, carrots, mushrooms ...).

Fatty fish is useful, but you need to remember that it is still quite high in calories, so you don’t need to get carried away with such pancakes, and a couple of spring rolls with vegetables may well serve as a full meal for lunch, ”the expert believes.

To compensate for a possible increase in blood glucose levels from a sweet pancake, Solomatina recommended eating a vegetable salad.

Earlier, the former chief sanitary doctor of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Gennady Onishchenko, expressed the opinion that Shrovetide traditions help to preserve health.