Unaccustomed visitors are advised against going out into the mountains when bad weather pulls in over mountain chains in Jämtland and Västerbotten.

Strong winds and dense snow villages are expected and according to SMHI it can be difficult to orientate due to reduced visibility.

- There are strong winds, far from storms, but it is not weather you voluntarily go out in if you say so, says SVT's meteorologist Per Stenborg.

Sports holidaymakers in, for example, Åre and Hemavan / Tärnaby are covered by the warning.

At present, it is valid in the Jämtland mountains from 03.00 to 18.00 on Sundays.

The storm is expected to subside somewhat earlier, around lunch, in the northern Jämtlandsfjällen and Västerbottensfjällen.

Avalanche risk increases

At the same time, the avalanche danger is expected to rise from "moderate" to "significant" in Västra Härjedalsfjällen, Södra Jämtlandsfjällen and Västra Vindelfjällen.

Keep track of the development where you are on the site lavinprognoser.se.

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SVT's meteorologist explains what is new behind the warnings.

Photo: Daniel Ivarsson / SVT