March 3, 2022 is the ninth World Wildlife Day with the theme "Restore key species, restore ecosystems".

Wildlife-friendly tourism is also a way to protect wildlife through action.

Among them, the cetacean heritage site project demonstrates a viable and sustainable development that can be used to replace the tourism and entertainment of captive dolphins and other wild animals.

  Currently, there are five cetacean heritage sites around the world, which are required to meet a range of standards for cetacean marine conservation, responsible and sustainable tourism, etc., for those wishing to watch whales responsibly in their natural habitat Dolphins and guides for visitors who learn about their natural nature in a non-disturbing way.

  Let's walk into Algoa Bay, South Africa, and enjoy the cetaceans in their natural state.

(Lang Jiahui video source Wu Rui produced by World Animal Protection Association)

Responsible editor: [Lu Yan]