In recent years, with the popularization of electronic products such as mobile phones and tablet computers and the increase of entertainment venues, the risk of noise-induced hearing loss due to improper use of ears is increasing for urbanites.

To protect your hearing, you should develop a healthy ear habit.

  ■ Wearing earphones for a long time is easy to damage hearing

  It is known that noise is one of the most common causes of deafness.

  Among the common construction noise, traffic noise and social life noise, social life noise is the most common harm to people's ears.

Because with the development of science and technology, the application of electronic products is becoming more and more extensive, and various electronic devices such as players and tablet computers occupy a large number of people's lives.

  Sometimes when we take the subway, we can clearly hear the music playing in the earphones of strangers next to us, which means that the volume of his earphones is already very loud. If this goes on for a long time, then he is likely to experience temporary ear threshold shift in the future.

In addition, a British scientific study also showed that wearing headphones for a long time to listen to music may lead to early deafness.

  It should be noted that hearing loss is not as aggressive as other diseases, and it is easy to be detected and valued.

Research has proved that the frequency of this noise-induced hearing loss (also known as noise-induced hearing loss) is at 4000Hz (high frequency) at first, and the hearing loss of this frequency has little impact on our daily life and is not easily detected; as the noise continues Injury, hearing loss of other frequencies will eventually lead to "noise-induced deafness", which needs to be solved by wearing hearing aids.

  ■ Long-term noise stimulation is the culprit

  Simply explained, noise-induced deafness is a slow, progressive hearing loss that occurs due to long-term noise stimulation.

The inner ear of the human body has about 15,500 auditory hair cells, which are ciliated cells that sense hearing. They are easily affected by noise and cannot be regenerated after damage.

The pathology of noise-induced hearing loss is that long-term noise stimulation causes blood circulation disorders in the stria vascularis of the cochlea, the hair cells of the spiral organ are damaged and shed, and the inner hair cells are also damaged in severe cases, followed by the degeneration of the spiral ganglion. The most obvious lesions are at the end of the circle and the second circle.

Here, the cochlear basal circle is mainly responsible for receiving sound stimuli at 4000 Hz, which is why noise-induced deafness occurs in the high-frequency region in the initial hearing loss.

  It is worth mentioning that noise-induced hearing loss can be divided into temporary hearing threshold shift and permanent hearing threshold shift. The popular explanation: Temporary threshold shift, also called auditory fatigue, is a temporary hearing loss that is separated from the noise environment. Recovery in minutes, hours, days or months.

Permanent threshold shift refers to irreversible hearing loss under the influence of noise, which can occur in both knock-induced (acute) or noise-induced (chronic) acoustic damage.

  It can be seen that the slight hearing loss caused by noise in the early and short term can be recovered by getting rid of the noise environment and giving the ear a rest; long-term and chronic noise stimulation is the permanent hearing threshold shift. Prime culprit.

  ■ Hearing loss must be intervened as early as possible

  There is an iron law in audiology: whether it is a child or an adult, the sooner the intervention after hearing loss, the better.

The best healing period is within two weeks. After one month, the difficulty of healing will be significantly increased. After three months, the possibility of healing is very small. Therefore, clinically speaking, after three months of hearing loss, the possibility of hearing recovery is very high. little.

  There are generally two types of hair cells in each of our ears. The first type is outer hair cells, which are divided into 3 rows with a number of 12,000; the other is inner hair cells, which has only one row and a number of 3,500.

  When people are affected by external factors and cause hearing loss in the early stage, that is, the early stage of damage to the hair cells in the ear, let the hair cells immediately isolate the noise and give the corresponding treatment in time, then the damaged hair cells can be gradually recovered, but if not With timely treatment, hair cells will generally be declared dead after three months of damage, and the dead hair cells cannot be regenerated.

"Text / Tian Jing

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