"Learn the basics of the Russian language" .. A country advises its citizens in Ukraine to survive

India's Defense Ministry has issued advice to Indians in Ukraine asking them to learn Russian for basic communication, such as "we are students", "we are not fighters", "please don't hurt us" and "we are from India" among others.

Indians were also asked to delete all non-essential apps from their phones, and limit conversations to turning down the phone's volume to conserve battery.

"When you are in a stationary position, take regular deep breaths and light limb movement to maintain blood circulation," read the warning prepared by Manohar Parikar Institute for Defense Studies and Analysis.

The advisory also includes a guide to survival, in which Indians in the war zone were asked to carry a small kit with essential items at all times: “The emergency kit should contain passport, ID card, essential medicines, life-saving medicine, torch, and a box Matches, lighter, candles, cash, energy bars, power bank, water, first aid kit, headgear, mute, gloves, heating jacket, warm socks and a comfortable pair of shoes as available.

Instructions also included: "Keep food and water shared: Avoid full meals, eat smaller portions to increase portions. If you find yourself in an open area/field, defrost to get water."

“If you are stopped at a military checkpoint or by police/armed personnel/militia - cooperate/obey them/raise your hands with palms forward over your shoulders/remain polite/provide necessary information/call control room/helpline when possible.”

The report further stated: “Gather information and share it with fellow Indians, stay strong/Don’t panic. Organize yourselves into small groups/teams of ten Indian students. Within this, organize friends/couples/assign a coordinator and a deputy coordinator in each group.” From ten people Your friend must be aware of your presence and whereabouts permanently (micro-group coordinator) Create WhatsApp group, collect details, names, address, mobile numbers and contacts in India Share geolocation on WhatsApp with control room(s) Embassy or in New Delhi Update information every eight hours Keep a frequent count (every eight hours)

Indians were also asked to avoid the following: “Avoid going out of bunkers/basements/shelters at all times. Do not go into city center/congested areas. Do not join local protesters or militias. Refrain from commenting on social media. Do not carry weapons or No unexploded ordnance/unexploded ordnance.Do not take pictures/selfie with military vehicles/troops/soldiers/checkpoints/militia.Do not attempt to photograph live combat situations.In the event of a siren, take immediate shelter as much as possible.If in the open, lie down On your stomach and cover your head with your bag.

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