Recently, the police in Kalmar have made several major drug discoveries in Kalmar.

Drug deals are one of the main tracks around the recent shootings.

The police have previously explained that tensions often arise between criminal groups when the police seize larger drug parties, and put perpetrators behind bars.

"Constantly new hides"

Just over a week ago, drugs found in the community were seized, and on Monday a new seizure was made.

A bag with thousands of tablets was found in Norrliden, lying hidden in a public place.

Several seizures recently, do the police have any feeling for how many drugs there are lying around in the community?

- No, we do not really have that.

But we are constantly discovering new hiding places, and it is unlikely that we will discover them all, it is a bit like with dead hedgehogs, if you find many dead hedgehogs, it is likely that there are even more living, says local police chief Olof Bråve to SVT.

Why is it that you have found so much lately?

- We have three to four crime prevention initiatives underway and then it is clear that we will find more hiding places and prosecute more people.

Operates with the "owner"

In connection with the seizure, the police in Kalmar chose to post a post on their Facebook page where they ironically invite the "owner" to the station for a lecture.

"Come to the police station in Kalmar and we will get to know each other better, we are more than happy to explain the inappropriateness of this.

You can also call, and we will be more than happy to pick you up. ”

Using humor on social media is a move the police have previously used, and then received some criticism for, something Olof Bråve is aware of.

- We are careful about using irony.

We should of course behave correctly, but this is on the right side of the border, I think, says Olof Bråve.

CLIP: This has happened - the shootings in Kalmar

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This has happened during the shootings.

Photo: Helmuth Petersson