Raghad Saddam Hussein denies information attributed to her about the body of Tariq Aziz

Raghad Saddam Hussein, the daughter of the late Iraqi president, Saddam Hussein, broke her silence regarding statements attributed to her that were circulated during the last period regarding the body of former Iraqi Foreign Minister, Tariq Aziz.

And she posted on her Twitter account, the only one for her on social networking sites, a fixed image (screenshot) of the statements attributed to her, in which she denounces “the theft of Tariq Aziz’s body by the Persian mullahs’ militias and returning it again, but after he was represented and his skull opened. ».

Raghad Saddam Hussein confirmed that the account bearing her statements was "forged" and had nothing to do with it.

Tariq Aziz, who served as Deputy Prime Minister under Saddam Hussein, died in June 2015 in prison, at the age of 79.

Ziad Tariq Aziz, the son of the former Iraqi foreign minister, revealed a week ago the scenes of the late Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's beating of his son Qusay with a stick.

Ziyad Tariq Aziz explained, in an interview with the "Awsat Line" program, that "his relationship with Uday Saddam Hussein was not friendly," but his friend Qusay, noting that Saddam Hussein was "a just person in his judgment and penalties."

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  • Raghad Saddam Hussein