Democratic Party candidate Lee Jae-myung made a statement today (28th) saying, "We welcome the government's decision" to the government's decision to temporarily suspend the application of quarantine passes for all 11 types of multi-use facilities.

In a post on SNS that day, candidate Lee said, "In the past, corona had a high fatality rate and low transmission power, but now it has a high transmission power and a fatality rate is slightly higher than that of the flu." it happened,” he said.

He said, "As the situation has changed, we can't just block it like it used to," he compared.

He emphasized, "Now is the time to focus on managing high-risk confirmed patients with a focus on patients with underlying diseases and severe stomach problems."

Candidate Lee once again pledged to push for emergency financial regulations and compensation for losses, saying, "The state's special compensation for small business owners and self-employed people who have made special sacrifices for the community must be made urgently."

He also promised, "If the people's authority is delegated, we will implement the '100-day recovery project for the people' as soon as we are elected to create a tangible recovery of the economy before the end of this summer."

(Photo = Yonhap News)