In Russia, some independent media continue to criticize the military invasion, including the newspaper Novaya Gazeta, which is headed by Mr. Muratov, who won the Nobel Peace Prize last year.

On the other hand, the Russian government authorities, who supervise the media, referred to some media such as "Nobaya Gazeta" on the 26th and described "military operations as" attack "or" invasion ", which is different from the actual information. We urged you to delete the article that reports the damage situation in the area by sources other than the official announcement of the government.

If you do not comply, you will be restricted from accessing the website and warned that you may be fined 5 million rubles, or about 7 million yen in Japanese yen.

The Putin administration has cracked down on civilian demonstrations protesting military invasions across Russia, and has tightened its media blackouts by being alert to media tone that is critical of the administration's actions.