[Explanation] The responsibility of the aerospace drug surface plasticizer is to micro-shape the propellant drug surface of the solid fuel engine.

Solid fuel medicine face shaping is a national first-level dangerous position. Because it can only rely on manual shaping and carving, it has extremely high requirements for precision. Therefore, aerospace medicine face plastic surgeons are also called "people who carve gunpowder".

Such "niche" types of work are an indispensable part of the development of China's aerospace industry.

  Recently, Xu Liping, deputy to the National People's Congress and head of the aerospace engine solid fuel medicine surface shaping team of the Fourth Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd. 7416 Factory, said in an interview with reporters that the talent training and skill improvement of "niche" types of work is the future development of this field. important motivation.

At present, domestic training courses and resources for new technologies, new occupations, and "niche" types of work are few or not systematic enough to fully meet the needs of incumbents who are willing to improve their professional abilities.

This year's National People's Congress, Xu Liping formulated a proposal on "accelerating the construction of high-quality public resources for online skills training".

  [Concurrent] Xu Liping, deputy to the National People's Congress

  Because the Internet is becoming more and more developed, everyone's daily Internet access has actually become a habit of life and study, but I think these public resources for online learning are still relatively lacking.

On the one hand, the online resources are charged, and there are resources based on public learning. For example, there are relatively few resources on the Internet that I want to learn and improve myself.

So as myself, I also want to find some things I want to learn on the Internet to improve myself.

In this way, I will put forward my own ideas in the future technological progress, and then make some of our technological progress can be realized.

  [Explanation] Xu Liping said that online public learning resources and offline educational resources complement each other, and will provide resource guarantees for national learning and lifelong learning.

He suggested that the relevant state departments should integrate and classify various online learning platforms, launch high-quality public resources for online skills training, and expand the public education resource pool to promote the improvement of personnel skills and innovation capabilities.

  [Concurrent] Xu Liping, deputy to the National People's Congress

  Astronauts who are new to the aerospace field have a series of training methods.

Then, from the earliest training of spaceflight spirit, including to the final skills, as well as a series of trainings such as safety education, vocational education and so on.

It is through a series of trainings that we can enter our position to engage in formal work.

Therefore, the entire training is more important to our entire aerospace field.

  [Explanation] In 2021, China Aerospace will carry out 55 launch missions throughout the year, and the quantity and quality of launch loads will continue to set new records.

For more than 60 years, China's aerospace industry has grown from nothing, and China's "Road to Ask the Sky" is also attracting more and more young people to join.

  [Concurrent] Xu Liping, deputy to the National People's Congress

  With the development of our country and the prosperity of the country, the number of people engaged in our profession (aerospace medicine facial plastic surgeon) is also increasing.

We may have had less than 20 people in the country in the past, but I think there are more than 200 people now.

  [Explanation] Xu Liping has never given up his attention to "talents" since he first served as a deputy to the National People's Congress.

He said that in the process of technological improvement, one's own quality is a key factor.

Workers in the new era cannot only work, but also have ideas.

Lifelong learning is the general trend, and talent training also means inheritance.

  Dang Tianye Yang Yingqi reported from Xi'an

Responsible editor: [Li Yuxin]