In a crisis situation that gets on your nerves, a politician is in even greater demand than usual as a “great communicator”.

The American President Ronald Reagan was described as such.

Today's head of state of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyj, like Reagan in his first job as an actor and also a successful television producer, is in great shape in this capacity.

For example on Wednesday night, when he once again addressed the people via television and video clip.

Gerhard Gnauck

Political correspondent for Poland, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania based in Warsaw.

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"I promised to speak to you often and openly," he said at the beginning of his barely seven-minute appearance.

"As I promised, I am speaking about all our actions so that you understand exactly what is happening in Ukraine and beyond its borders." recognized and obtained Parliament's blessing for an army deployment abroad.

This means that Russia has withdrawn from the peace process that began in Minsk, which it itself has so often declared to be “there is no alternative”.

Zelenskyj then reported on successes: on the planned sanctions by many states against Russia because of its encroachments on Ukrainian territory, and on Chancellor Olaf Scholz's decision to put the German-Russian natural gas project Nord Stream 2 on hold for the time being.

A few hours later, he added that this line was a "weapon against Ukraine and Europe" and must be stopped forever.

He also emphasized his country's willingness to talk about conflict resolution;

In recent months and before that, he has repeatedly agreed to meet President Putin for bilateral talks, but has always met with cold rejection in the Kremlin.

"Free people!

Free country!"

There is also a lot to do in Ukraine itself.

For example, Zelenskyi announced that some of the reservists would be called up.

He doesn't talk much about the military, preferring to talk about the economy: "Patriot is someone who fought for his country against an enemy.

But also those who invest in their country and create jobs.” Zelenskyy launched a program of economic patriotism.

There will be stimulus to the economy and a low VAT on fuel, he said without further detail.

Now all politicians in the country would have to put their ambition aside, in the interests of the state.

The President of Ukraine has mastered the use of pathos these days when addressing the audience like “Free people!

Free country!” greeted, as well as the play of facial features and eyebrows.

“We Ukrainians are a peaceful nation.

But if we remain silent today, we'll be gone tomorrow.” At the end he said: “Don't whine, but create” is now the motto.