Europe 1 with AFP 5:14 p.m., February 23, 2022

Valérie Pécresse continues her erosion in the polls, at 13.5% of voting intentions.

On the side of the left, the Insoumis Jean-Luc Mélenchon progresses on the left, with 12% of intention of votes.

He remains far from Emmanuel Macron, still in the lead with 24% of voting intention, according to a Harris Interactive poll published on Wednesday.

Invested in early December by his party and credited at that time with 17% in this survey for Challenges, Valérie Pécresse has since continued to decline.

It thus lost another point over a week, and is in fourth position, clearly overtaken by Éric Zemmour (15.5%, +1 pt) and by Marine Le Pen (17%, -0.5 pt).

Emmanuel Macron - who should organize his first meeting on March 5 in Marseille - is still prancing in pole position, even if he too loses a point over a week.

Macron winner in the second round in all cases

On the left, the dynamic seems to be on the side of Jean-Luc Mélenchon (+1.5 pt) who reached his highest level since September 2021, unlike the ecologist Yannick Jadot (5%, -0.5), former Justice Minister Christiane Taubira (2.5%, -1) and socialist Anne Hidalgo (2%, -0.5) are sagging.

The communist Fabien Roussel (4%, +0.5) continues for his part to gain ground, despite the recent revelations of Médiapart.

>> READ ALSO - Valérie Pécresse victorious in a fraudulent LR primary?

In the second round, Emmanuel Macron is given the winner against Marine Le Pen (55% against 45%), Valérie Pécresse (57% against 43%) or Éric Zemmour (62% against 38%).

Survey carried out online from February 18 to 21 among a sample of 2,457 people representative of the French population aged 18 and over, including 2,018 people registered on the electoral lists, according to the quota method.