The Swedish Transport Administration and the municipality of Jönköping have together carried out a study that presents about 40 possible measures to reduce the negative effects of the traffic flow on the E4 increasing at a rapid pace.

Between the years 2002 and 2019, traffic on the E4 has increased by about 60 percent on certain sections through Jönköping municipality.

- There is a risk that there will be a stronger barrier that cuts through the city if the development continues, says Henrik Zetterholm who is department manager for the development and traffic department at Jönköping municipality.

A significant part of the traffic on the E4 is local traffic, as well as commuters going to and from their jobs in the municipality.

The inhabitants of Jönköping use the car more than in many other municipalities of the same size, the report shows.

Direct report · How do you want to change the E4 through Jönköping?

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Strong barrier through the city

E4 and national road 40 were built through the municipality of Jönköping during the 1960s and even then Huskvarna was largely cut off from Lake Vättern.

Jönköping's development has since then, with the city's growth, meant that the road today is a strong barrier, which also means environmental and health impact in the form of emissions and noise.

- Regardless of scenarios, E4 has significant consequences for urban development and the living environment.

This must be taken into account in future planning, says investigation leader Stefan Berg at the Swedish Transport Administration.

As early as 1994, a sketch of some parts of the E4 was outlined, and it is a proposal that is still mentioned as a possible measure.

But there are measures that are considered more prioritized at present.

In the clip above, you will hear more about it.