With the end of Taiwan's "Study Test" examination in 2022, mainland colleges and universities will start recruiting students to Taiwan in the new year, attracting media attention from both sides of the strait.

The focus of attention and discussion can be described in terms of one hot and one cold.

The enthusiasm is mainly reflected in the fact that the current mainland colleges and universities insist on beckoning to Taiwan students, and the enthusiasm of Taiwan students to study in the west has never been interrupted.

The coldness is reflected in the indifference of the DPP authorities towards Lu Sheng's study in Taiwan.

  It is understood that the mainland's enrollment in Taiwan this year will be through the new enrollment system. 207 universities including Peking University and Tsinghua University will be the first to participate in the pilot enrollment of the new system, and the enrollment service will be more detailed; the enrollment and admission process of Taiwan students will be further optimized, and candidates will have more opportunities to choose .

Relevant authorities in the mainland will, as always, provide convenience and services for Taiwanese students to study in the mainland, and help Taiwanese students realize their dreams in life.

  Dreams are the eternal light in the hearts of young people.

For Taiwan students, the mainland is a big enough stage to realize their dreams.

The global rankings of mainland universities are constantly improving, and the highly competitive learning environment can provide challenges and sharpening for young people on the island. The huge development potential of the future workplace will be more attractive to Taiwanese students.

In addition to gaining knowledge and broadening your horizons, you can also get the opportunity to witness extraordinary moments.

For example, more than 30 Taiwanese students were selected as volunteers for the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Their busy figures in the arena have become a beautiful landscape on both sides of the strait.

The life experience they have gained is also the epitome of the wonderful youth of the tens of thousands of students living in Lutai.

  Like exchanges in all fields, cross-strait youth and education exchanges should be two-way, not only Taiwanese students going to mainland China, but also mainland students going to Taiwan.

For more than ten years, Lu Sheng went to Taiwan to alleviate the crisis of students in the island's colleges and universities.

Those who went to Taiwan to study hard and work hard often become "student masters", and their teaching and learning have promoted the level of education and scientific research on the island.

More importantly, there is nothing like living and studying together under the same sky, and getting to know each other quickly and deeply.

Lu Sheng gets along with his classmates and teachers day and night during his stay in Taiwan, which is one of the most effective and active components of cross-strait exchanges.

  Although Lu Sheng had good wishes, their experience in Taiwan was quite emotional.

A while ago, the media was hot on the topic of being a "vaccine orphan" in Taiwan.

Taiwan is open to people over the age of 18 to be vaccinated against the new crown, but Lu Sheng is excluded.

This is just one of the many difficulties and problems that Lu Sheng encountered while studying in Taiwan.

For example, facing the discriminatory "three restrictions and six no" policies, they are not entitled to receive scholarships and bursaries on the island, and are excluded from Taiwan's health insurance system.

What's more, some college teachers on the island openly made discriminatory remarks against Lu Sheng, which made people look up.

  Although people of insight on the island continue to encourage Lu Sheng's reasonable rights and interests and the study environment, the DPP authorities are completely unmoved, and even intensify their efforts to make things difficult for Lu Sheng.

In August 2020, You Lu Sheng finally went to Taiwan to continue his studies after untold hardships.

This kind of discriminatory treatment and cold-blooded behavior made the friendly people on the island shake their heads.

  Frozen three feet, not a day's cold.

The political selfishness of the DPP authorities is the culprit behind all this.

After 2016, under the influence of the DPP authorities and the extremist forces on the island, the reverse current that stirred up hostility between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait also invaded the campus.

Take Lu Sheng's proposal to be included in Taiwan's health insurance as an example. On the surface, green-camp politicians care about health insurance profits and losses, but in reality, they are thinking of "Taiwan independence" and manipulate the political populism of "hatred of China" and "anti-China".

What's wrong with Lu Sheng?

However, the DPP does not hesitate to suppress Lu Sheng's rights and interests by disrupting the situation, boycotting and even stigmatizing it, completely ignoring the "human rights" and "fairness" they keep talking about.

  As early as 2013, the mainland included Taiwanese students studying in the "Basic Medical Insurance for Urban Residents", enjoying the same basic medical insurance treatment as local mainland students.

From education, medical insurance, internships, entrepreneurship and employment for Taiwanese students, the mainland has been adhering to the concept of "cross-strait one family", constantly expanding and deepening cross-strait economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation, and solidly promoting and implementing the "31 Measures".

On the other hand, the DPP authorities are constantly weaving various reasons to obstruct and restrict cross-strait exchanges and personnel exchanges.

People on both sides of the Taiwan Strait can clearly see who is truly full of self-confidence, building bridges and paving roads, and opening up exchanges;

Those in power on the island may wish to ask themselves, why, in the current cross-strait situation, the mainland's enrollment information has attracted continuous attention from the media on both sides of the strait, and more and more young Taiwanese want to study in the mainland?

  Young people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are voting with their feet.

It is of great significance for Taiwanese students to go to mainland China and mainland students to study in Taiwan for cross-strait exchanges.

If the DPP authorities stubbornly insist on "institutional discrimination", it will undoubtedly affect the willingness of more mainland students to go to Taiwan in the future, and even lead to the complete suspension of Lu Sheng's trip to Taiwan that has lasted for many years.

In the face of the perverse actions and political manipulations of the DPP authorities, the education sector on the island has begun to worry: if the source of students from the mainland is interrupted, how to face the impact directly?

  The facts couldn't be clearer: expanding cross-strait exchanges and cooperation and promoting the peaceful development of cross-strait relations are in line with the common aspirations and fundamental interests of compatriots on both sides of the strait!