Google is constantly working on developing the popular Android operating system for mobile devices, and is currently preparing to release version 13 at the end of next summer.

Here is a quick look at the most important new functions in Android 13.

Photo Picker function

The Photo Baker function protects user data. It imposes limited access for applications to the photo gallery. This function allows applications to access single, specific, or very few photos or videos;

Previously, access rights allowed access to everything or nothing, and this functionality is also supposed to appear in Android 11 and 12 by updating the operating system through the Google Play service.

Search the nearby area without the location

Applications that want to connect to Wi-Fi devices in the nearby area obtain the location data of a smartphone or tablet in the current Google Android operating system.

This will change with the new Android 13 release, which includes a new permission for Nearby-Wifi-Devices, which allows apps to search for and connect to nearby Wi-Fi devices without knowing their location data.

Faster updates

The Google Play Services application in Android 13 is set to become the main hub for operating system updates, bypassing smartphone manufacturers.

Google calls this approach "Project Mainline", and it came as a result of the fact that companies that produce smartphones are slow to release updates for their devices or sometimes they do not release any updates, and these updates are not limited to the Photo Baker function, for example. But it will include operating system components such as Bluetooth technology.

Design and Usage

The user can currently configure the icons of Google applications with the color of the background, and this situation will change in the future, so that this applies to the icons of all applications, in order to highlight the new design language.

In addition, in Android 13, the user will be able to create specific sections for quick settings in an application, and this settings apply to that application only.

Sign in at the lock screen

The importance of the login function in the lock screen appears when several people use one Android device or when the user gives his phone a lot to his children, and this function allows the possibility of changing the user and logging in the user directly in the lock screen.