At present, a teacher may only dispose of a student's mobile phone if it interferes with teaching.

But if the government's proposal goes through, teachers and principals will have more room for maneuver.

For example, a principal will be able to decide that mobile phones are taken care of throughout the school day.

Signe Hint and Lisen Wikström are in high school at Kunskapsskolan in Norrköping.

At their school, mobile phones are only taken care of when they disturb the lessons and the students do not think that a change in the law is needed.

- I think you should have mobile phones in school but that you only use them on breaks.

I do not think the principal should be allowed to take them in for the whole day, says Lisen Wikström.

In the clip, you can hear more about what Signe and Lisen think about mobile phones at school.