Elina: Hey!

Thank you for a very good and nuanced reporting.

If Russia does not give an official answer (according to the Vienna Agreement) regarding military exercises and when they end, what is the next step in diplomacy?

Bert Sundström

: It is difficult to say, but signals today from Russia may indicate that the risk of war is decreasing.

Dave: The Ukrainian Armed Forces are invited to exercises in Sweden, Aurora 2023. Does this mean that Russia sees us as allies with Ukraine in the event of an attack?

Bert Sundström

: Yes, I think so.

They also see us as, in practice, NATO allies.

Marie A: The Russian leadership's description of the situation seems to be that Russia is under acute threat from the United States / NATO.

How do ordinary people in Russia view it - do they agree, or do they think Putin is exaggerating?

Bert Sundström

: Those who get their information from "PutinTV" swallow the propaganda.

Those who obtain their information from independent sources do not swallow it.

Johannes.K: Has Putin started preparing the people for the war?

What is the mood in Russia?

From what I understand, it was extra anti-Western and "Crimea is our" propaganda before the invasion of Crimea.

Has it been the same now?

Bert Sundström

: At first it was very much.

Now it has calmed down a bit.

A good sign maybe.

Daniel Lundström: Either Russia invades Ukraine, or Ukraine gives way and breaks ties with NATO and the EU.

The latter option is probably the only way to go given that they will have no support if the war breaks out.

So unfortunately it is as if the ball is with Ukraine.

Feel free to correct me if I think wrong?

Bert Sundström

: Ukraine has already chosen the path - away from Russia and towards democracy.

It will not change.

And that is what makes Putin scared.

Lars-Anders Sjöquist: In the end, what would Russia like to achieve by invading Ukraine?

It will ultimately be extremely costly for Russia in every way?

Can an invasion really pay off for them?

Bert Sundström

: An invasion would be extremely costly.

But Putin seems to have some sort of restoration of the Russian Empire as his overarching goal.

And it may cost ...

S. Nelhest: Do you think Putin can withdraw without losing face among the Russian people, or is it too late now?

Bert Sundström

: Yes.

Putin can get away with almost anything.

The propaganda apparatus is massive.