There are currently about 1,100 reindeer in Hornslandet and since the beginning of January, reindeer herders have reported that a lynx moves continuously in and adjacent to the reindeer herd.

On the second of February, the county administrative board quality-assured tracks of lynx that persecuted and hunted reindeer in several places in the area.

No injured or killed reindeer have been found.

Indirect damage

The County Administrative Board assesses that the lynx's presence in connection with the reindeer herd and its hunting attempts leads to indirect damage.

This is in the form that the reindeer become stressed and do not get grazing peace, which affects the reindeer's condition and general condition.

According to the county administrative board, the Sami village lacks other suitable alternative areas for winter grazing and fencing in the reindeer is not considered a suitable solution over a longer period of time.

In light of this, the County Administrative Board assesses that there is no other suitable solution.

The County Administrative Board assesses that protection hunting of a lynx will not adversely affect the local population, as there is a good margin to the county's set minimum level.