Power of the People Former General Election Commissioner Kim Jong-in said that even if Yoon Seok-yeol was elected as the presidential candidate, he could become a 'plant president' in the extreme 'women's and yard' parliamentary landscape.

Former Chairman Kim appeared on the radio on the evening of the 10th and answered, "I think that there is a sufficient possibility" to a question to the effect of 'Are you saying that candidate Yoon could become the plant president?'

Former Chairman Kim said, "In a situation of female and minority opposition, the opposition parties, which have close to 180 seats, will start a fierce attack ahead of the general election two years later. "He said.

He said, "I have never seen a successful example of putting people who were indebted to the so-called presidential election in the first cabinet and the Blue House after being elected. I'm not saying it's nonsense, but Yoon Seok-yeol has already changed a bit since he became a candidate and in the process of running the primary."

When asked if he received an apology after Yoon's spouse Kim Kun-hee said, "I'm coming to a banquet with something to eat," targeting former Chairman Kim in the recording of the '7-hour call', he said, "I don't really care about what Mr. No. He said it his own way, and I don't have to react to that."

When asked about the lack of content by Candidate Yoon, he criticized, "I was actually trying to create content. But after January 5th, I just got out (from the predecessor), so it doesn't make any sense, so I tore up all (content)." I did.

Regarding the unification with the People's Party candidate Ahn Cheol-soo, he said, "To find a justification, you have to do an opinion poll in the end, but you don't want to do it all," he said. Otherwise, will there be unification?” he gave a negative outlook.

In an interview with the press, Candidate Yoon sarcastically said, "There is no trust until now, so what kind of trust is it?"

Regarding Candidate Yoon's interview remarks on 'Investigation on the Investigation of Corruption of the Former Government when he came to power,' he said, "If Candidate Yoon is elected and tries to liquidate the corruption as I said now, there will be huge clashes in the National Assembly. If the government goes on like that, it cannot be successful,” he criticized.

(Photo = National Assembly Photo Reporters, Yonhap News)