• Elections Gabriel Boric will be the new president of Chile

In a month,

Gabriel Boric

will be installed in the Palacio de La Moneda as the youngest head of state in America.

This week, on vacation after the intense months of campaigning and putting together the cabinet of ministers, the former leader of the student demonstrations turned 36 and received a not-so-kind gift from the extreme left: Chile must dissolve the three powers of State and establish the system of representation of the Soviet Union.

"We propose a total change in the functioning of the State," said María Magdalena Rivera, conventional constituent of the "Plurinational and Popular List", the hard left in the body in charge of drafting a new Magna Carta for the country.

In a calm but determined tone, Rivera proposed

"dissolving the current state institutions

and replacing them with a single assembly that concentrates all powers" made up of the election of 600 workers.

And, in case there was any doubt, he admitted that he was not exactly proposing avant-garde ideas: "This is not a novelty, it is not our invention (...) in Russia, the workers' and people's councils, institutions of Soviet power, were made up of workers elected from below in a democratic way and without the influence of money".

The conventional one went even further and proposed that "no parasitic sector of society should have representatives in the future state power."

"Neither the high leadership of the church, nor the owners of large companies and speculators, nor the armed forces.

These sectors do not produce any wealth

, they do not work and they should not have an opinion in the conduct of the State."

And by installing these sectors as outcasts of society, Rivera led to the next logical step: "

Socialization of all the country's large companies

. Mines, energy companies, ports, banks, etc., must come under the control of the working class and the people, who will define the course of the country and plan the economy according to the needs of the population and not of a privileged few".

Boric expands the coalition towards the center

The important thing is not the future of the proposal, which was rejected 25-0 in the convention process, but the determined commitment of the hard left to openly pressure Boric from that flank.

A pressure of progressive intensity, because Boric has already made it clear that he will not commit political suicide.

The triumph of the Approve Dignidad coalition in the December 19 elections marked the formal decline of the center-left, grouped in what was known as the Concertación.

But once he won, Boric expanded the coalition from the pure left to the center.

It gave important power in the government to figures from the Communist Party, yes, but it put the economy in the hands of Mario Marcel, president of the Central Bank during Sebastián Piñera's administration, and formally incorporated the Socialist Party, a social democratic formation that governed with Ricardo Lagos and Michelle Bachelet.

Thus, everything indicates that the social democrat will end up being Boric himself.

The pressure on him will grow in the coming weeks, also from outside.

Nicolás Maduro, the leader of the Venezuelan regime, thrashed him on the week of his birthday, appealing to his usual flowery style: "

There has emerged a cowardly left

that bases its speech on attacking the successful, victorious Bolivarian model, on attacking the historical legacy , and in attacking me as president (...) they want to put on a veneer so that the oligarchies forgive them, and the worst of all is that they are not going to forgive them, none of them."

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