The idea is that two people living in homelessness today will be able to live in the apartments that Västerås Stadsmission bought on Öster Mälarstrand.

Magnus Uhlin says that they often get questions about why they bought the apartments on Öster Mälarstrand and not more apartments in a cheaper area.

- On the one hand, there are obstacles for legal persons to own condominiums, which the developer made possible here.

But above all, we had to buy the apartments below market price, which meant that we could take this financial risk, says Magnus Uhlin.

Magnus Uhlin believes that there are more advantages to the apartments on Öster Mälarstrand.

- We also see it as positive that it happened right here, because we think it is good from an integration perspective.

Magnus Uhlin shows the apartments and tells about the project in the clip.