There was news about a Japanese woman in her 20s who claimed to have suffered side effects from hair loss after receiving the Moderna vaccine.

Recently, the status of this woman was reported.

She posted a picture on her blog on the 21st of last month, Mr. A, who revealed that she suffered from extreme hair loss symptoms after she received her first dose of the Moderna vaccine in June last year.

She looks like she has grown white hair.

Although it is not very thick, compared to last year's photo where her scalp was clearly visible, her hair loss symptoms have improved considerably.

It is said that after high-dose steroid treatment, the hair grew back like this.

Mr. A said, 'These days, my hair doesn't fall out and new things keep coming out' and 'I want to be happy even though I have gray hair'.

It is said that an application for relief from damage caused by vaccination has been received from the government.

He continued, 'Doctors still say that the causal relationship between alopecia and the vaccine is unclear, but there are many people who have had the same experience as me. he added.