According to "" with reference to UNN, Sukhachev noted that the suspect during the first interrogation stated that during the commission of the crime he was in such an emotional state as confusion, anger, which limited his awareness and report on those actions which he did. 

The head of the State Bureau of Investigation said that Ryabchuk was forced by various tasks to exhaust his body, and no injuries were found on him.

The soldier was not in a state of alcoholic intoxication at the time of the incident.

Later, according to the director of the department, Ryabchuk filed an application to retract all the evidence given during the pre-trial investigation.

On the night of January 27, at the Southern Machine-Building Plant in the Dnieper, a soldier of the National Guard shot a guard from a machine gun, killing five people, five more were injured.

On January 29, the court arrested until March 27 without the right to bail the Ukrainian National Guardsman Artemy Ryabchuk, who is suspected of shooting the guard.