
The Blue House and the Democratic Party strongly objected to the statement of candidate Yoon Seok-yeol, who said that he would investigate the corruption of the current administration in power.

Candidate Yoon plans to meet with the people of Jeollabuk-do in the metropolitan area today (10th) to appeal for support. 

This is reporter Eom Min-jae.


People's Strength candidate Yoon Seok-yeol criticized the current government's claim to be the successor of the Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun governments as fraudulent.

[Yoon Seok-yeol/People’s Power Presidential Candidate: This government says that they are the successors of the Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun governments, but I think that is a scam.]

Unlike the Roh Moo-hyun administration, in the current government, “If it is in our interest, we must follow it unconditionally. The logic is very strong.”

In an interview with a media outlet, he answered, "I should" to the question, "If you come to power, will you investigate the corruption of the former government?"

A high-ranking official at the Blue House protested fiercely, saying it was "very inappropriate and unpleasant."

In particular, he pointed to Yoon's mention of "how many crimes did you commit using the prosecution?" and responded, "Even during the election, there is a line that must be kept."

Democratic Party candidate Lee Jae-myung said that he was embarrassed because Yoon's remarks could sound like political retaliation, and former president Hae-chan Lee, chairman of the pro-roman and pro-moon camps, hit directly, asking where he dared to speak of corruption.

Candidate Yoon, who made a plan to tour 8 cities in North and South Jeolla Province this weekend and pledge to focus on Honam votes, plans to participate in the New Year's greetings of the Gyeongbuk Jeonbuk Provincial Association today to communicate with the residents of the metropolitan area.