During a press conference in Paris, she presented her measures for the ecological transition: "The ecological and united transition is not incompatible with a policy of social justice and the fight against inequalities", she said. underline.

To provide "food social security", it intends to offer zero-rate VAT on organic products.

The candidate also wants to make thermal renovation compulsory, with "supporting financial arrangements".

They will be made up of public contributions up to 80%, and "the balance of 20% can be achieved by loans at zero interest".

To finance this system, which will cost 16 billion per year, it is counting on a 4% tax on dividends paid by companies to shareholders from 10 million euros and on a 0.1% tax on speculation in European level, "which would be likely to bring 50 billion euros to the EU, and 10 billion euros to France".

To "improve the living conditions of people", Christiane Taubira proposes "a level" below which "the consumption of water, gas and electricity will be free".

Beyond that, there will be "progressive taxation to limit and constrain consumption".

In terms of transport, the candidate who won the People's Primary wants to "end the sale of thermal vehicles by 2030", "double the ecological bonus subject to resources" for clean vehicles, launch "a bicycle fund for 500 million euros per year" and "relaunch the TER".

She also wants to increase the insurance tax for polluting vehicles and install "progressive motorway tariffs for highly polluting vehicles".

She also wants to think about "the supervision and support" of the debts "of young farmers who switch to organic", and "a royalty on nitrogen products".

She intends to condition certain public aid to companies according to their environmental efforts, and wants to "register the crime of ecocide" in the criminal code.

Finally, it plans to ban hunting with hounds, phase out industrial and cage farming and accelerate the end of wild animals in circuses.

© 2022 AFP