Work determines our everyday life.

Many people spend more time at work than in bed.

But what does work mean to us?

What role do salary and social status play?

And what does work have to do with self-realization?

Many people suffer from the stress of work, but is it so easy to get off the hamster wheel?

What is work for people who have been looking for a job for years?

What does work have to do with dignity?

And what does that mean for the dream of a world without work or at least with an unconditional basic income?

Is the household or voluntary work also work?

And when does work in the home office start?

Work can make you ill, it can make you addicted, can it also make you happy?

Once a month, the FAZ editors Helene Bubrowski and Simon Strauss discuss the big issues of our time with prominent personalities from politics and culture.

In a dialogue with Kevin Kühnert, the new general secretary of the SPD, the fourth episode of FAZ Junge Jungs magazine is dedicated to the question "What is work?".

Follow the discussion on the importance of work live on February 8 at 6:30 p.m.