Stéphane Bern & Matthieu Noël SEASON 2021 - 20224:00 p.m., February 08, 2022

Historically Yours brings together 3 ladies behind their husbands, whom we ended up discovering: Clara Schumann, a genius composer who had two loves: the piano and her husband Robert, also a composer, to whom she left the light.

Then, Sonia Delaunay who, too, was passionate about the same art as her husband - a Robert again, Robert Delaunay: painting, and brought color to the life of the artist with whom she shared everything!

And an erased lady who still weighs 48 billion dollars, the ex-wife of star boss Jeff Bezos: the most discreet MacKenzie Scott who also brought her a lot.

The guests :

- Aliette de Laleu,

journalist and author of “Mozart was a woman” published by Stock.

- Sophie Chauveau,

writer and journalist and author of "Sonia Delaunay, the magnificent life" (Tallandier, Texto collection)