中新网2月5日电 2月4日,2022年北京冬奥会正式拉开帷幕。法国冬奥代表团已经抵达奥运村数日,在第一次接触到北京冬奥场地设施后,不论是奥运村友好的氛围,还是精心设计的赛道,都让法国冬奥运动员们感到惊喜。他们表示,中国全力以赴组织冬奥会,做得很成功。


2月4日,北京冬奥会张家口赛区云顶滑雪公园,单板滑雪运动员在坡面障碍技巧赛道训练。 中新社记者 翟羽佳 摄




1月30日,法国短道速滑选手进行接力训练。当日,参加北京冬奥会短道速滑项目比赛的选手在首都体育馆进行训练。 中新社记者 毛建军 摄



On February 3, the Beijing Winter Olympics alpine skiing men's downhill event held its first official training at the National Alpine Skiing Center in Yanqing District, Beijing.

The picture shows French player Maxence Mizadon in training.

Photo by China News Agency reporter He Penglei

  The speed ski track also "conquered" the French team again.

"The track is very well designed," noted Xavier Fournier, head of the speed ski group.

"At the end of the track is a canyon, like a cartoon. It's beautiful. They did it very well."

  For Sasha Teoharis, who is participating in the Winter Olympics for the second time, the "cross-country skiing track is perfect" for the Beijing Winter Olympics.

"A cross-country skiing track has been built here, and any cross-country skier would love it."

  For the sledding event, team leader Alexander Vanut said: "I have never seen such a spectacular sledding building before".

Data map: "Xue Ruyi" staged a light show.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Tomita

  "Europe Times" pointed out that the Olympic ski jump "Xue Ruyi" in Zhangjiakou is the most spectacular, and athletes can overlook the entire village during the flight.

  Ski jumpers Julia Claire and Josephine Panier were surprised when they saw "Snow Ruyi" for the first time.

“The architecture is unbelievable. I was amazed at the scale of it, and the reality is nothing like the photos,” Parnier described.

"It's a majestic venue, one of the most beautiful jumps in the world," says ski jumping instructor Damien Metre.