Inte mycket är känt om den så kallade ”Sittande kvinnan”. Hennes kvarlevor hittades när man grävde ut Skateholmsboplatsen under 1980-talet.

– Hon är en av flera. Men hon sticker ut som lite extra spännande, säger Maria Jiborn, arkeolog och museipedagog på Trelleborgs museum.

”Tror att hon haft en speciell position”

Det som sticker ut med kvinnan är att hon hittades sittandes i skräddarställning på en bädd av hjorthorn. Hon hade också flera olika typer av smycken. Bland annat ett hängsmycke, som ingen av de andra kvarlevorna hade.

- I think she has had a special position.

As an archaeologist, I can not say anything definite about it, but it is a feeling you get when you see her in its context, says Maria Jiborn.

World famous - 7,000 years later

In 2019, the artist and archaeologist Oscar Nilsson, with the help of her skeletal parts and DNA, made a reconstruction of her - a reconstruction that has impressed the world.

Earlier, the newspaper National Geographic drew attention to it, and the latest in a series of reports was made by the BBC in mid-January.

- This international interest has come when Oscar Nilsson gave her this body and she got her suit, and you can actually meet her.

That says a lot about what you as a museum can do, says Ola Lundin, museum director at Trelleborg's museums.